I’m interrupting the last of this beautiful night’s sunny weather to bring you a quick blog I really dont want too, but what I have seen has just ripped my fucking knitting right up!

I really did not want to get embroiled in this recent Racism row of tit for tat pish, although we need too as when ever it is Rangers fans it is highlighted and magnified to the heat of a 1000 suns!

Nil By mouth, come from out under their rock!

Celtic supporting SNP politicians come out, creating a fuss.

When the same Celtic supporting, SNP politicians, were noticeable by their silence when effigies of British Protestants were being hung execution style from their beloved Celtic’s stadium

and their own culture has mad men drive 200 miles to kill shopkeepers, all because a 7th century middle eastern illiterate warlord told them too!


See, I didn’t want to get into this pish.

You see it is as futile as hitting your head of a brick wall, because all these groups

Yer Nil by Mouths

Yer F.A.R.E

Yer 1 that’s run by Mentally Phil Mc Give the Priest a Gobble, Pal the IRA bigot who lied about playing in an F.A cup final with Sunderland.

All of them.


Not only are in Celtic pocket but are in their wee gang.

This is something the Hand wringers need to get through their heads, and I did a few years back.

These groups see Rangers as the last remnant of British, Unionist Protestantism that needs to be wiped out in their brave new world.

When, I wrote the mission statement of this blog

“A hand wringer is one who feeds a Bheast hoping it will eat them last”

I was on autopilot. I didn’t really fully grasp it, but over the last few years it has become very apparent and self evident what it means.

It doesn’t matter what you do, what you give in too how much you appease them, the bastards won’t stop until we are wiped off the face of the earth.

As we have seen over the last few years.

They don’t like the Union Flag, it’s as simple as that.

That’s what it boils down too

the flying of the flag of our nation, whether you wave it because it’s the colour of your club or because you think Rangers are reliving battles of yesteryear  by the simple act -or not so simple, as this season has shown – winning a game.

They hate the union flag and everything it stands for, which ironically makes them fucking bigots!

So this leads us to when Rangers do something wrong, and these fans, I’m sure they will admit after their moment of madness did do something wrong

These aforementioned organsations assemble big time, and when they get going they are like a well oiled machine.

Press interviews, TV, Radio etc all the time they are complicit in their silence.

When any of their pals in their wee gang the N.U.S, N.U.J , The Labour Party, Celtic are accused or are flagged up by people of antisemitism and Racism.

Anyway, I digress back to what I think is a pertinent tit for tat point that has been brought to my attention, the knitting ripper.

The aforementioned Rangers fans were quickly identified and banned for LIFE by Rangers for monkey gestures towards Celtic’s Scott Sinclair.

After seeing today’s display (pictured above) at Celtic park after a week of aforementioned organsations milking the situation all week in the papers, when there was something going on in Modesto California what was it again?

Oh, that’s right, Jim Torbett the Celtic Paedophile being kicked out of the U.S. of A

Reminded me of Sean Smith -the Celtic fan who ran down several seats from his seat to monkey gesture towards El Hadji Diouf taking an iniquitous corner that Rangers probably did fuck all with- and what happened too him.

Now from what I remembered Celtic Football club gave him a lifetime ban and he was probably fined but what I found out amazed me and should put a shiver up the Rangers fans or any Rangers fans in the future doing such a gesture in the heat of the moment.

You see Sean Smith, pictured below going to court, was JAILED for 3 Months!

Thank  God he wasn’t singing the Billy boys.

So that’s JAILED and banned for life from Celtic, right?

Well, 1 of the above is right, as the picture below suggests and the comments beside said picture suggest.

It seems being jailed for committing racially aggravated breach of the peace doesn’t merit a lifetime ban from Peter Lawwell and Celtic.

Well, what do you expect when Racist Leigh Griffiths is still rattling goals in for them and contract extended.

Not only that, Sean Smith is mad keen on a Foreign Racist, Sectarian anti-British Protestant terrorist organsation as well!

As well as

“A Handwringer is one who feeds a Bheast hoping it will eat him last”

Motto I am also proud of my

“We will take no lessons in Morality from the likes of you”


And until so-called punishment is deemed fit by Celtic Football club as the one above, We will take no lessons in Morality from the likes of you!

Scott Sinclair might as well held aloft this T-shirt pictured below

Not that untouchable Celtic or their bought and paid for puppets will give a monkeys!



If you are going to plagiarize and try to pass it off as one’s own and this goes out to a few sites, please have the common decency and at least link back to the original.

Here on this very site.

the Genesis of the Story of the fight back against the Roman Catholic Church in cahoots with the Scottish National Party and extreme left wing nutters attempted coup d’état of our country Scotland.

To think that great free thinker Voltaire said

“It is to Scotland that we look for all our ideas of civilization”

Well, he must be spinning in his grave at what has befallen the country of what he spoke of!

This isn’t the first time in History that the Roman Catholic Church has backed a small minority of rabid Nationalists for their own nefarious means. One only has to cast their minds back to Mussolini’s Italy or Hitler’s Germany, but anyway, I digress.

Now, before I started this blog.

I was asked to do one on the numerous stuff I happened to find regards the Hypocritical treatment of Rangers Football Club,

It was all really tit for tat stuff, and I’m sorry David Murray and Rangers, or at least I thought at the time were big enough to look after themselves.

I’ve said before, the main reason for me doing this blog was reading a story in SEPTEMBER 2012.

iT WAS about a certain Father Thomas “Tom” Mullen, who was about to go Scott free on a technicality over a case that involved him raping boys in his care over a period of decades.

You can read the Genesis here


But that wasn’t my only motivating factor.

The other factor I heard was a story of 2 teenagers arrested at a football ground singing a song that there was an apparent paedophile ring operating at Celtic park in plain sight for decades.

Now I was disgusted at this considering we are now all being told don’t keep quiet about Child rape, come forward if you  have any information etc etc.

So I decided to do a bit of digging on both fronts and found out there seems to be some strange links between the 2 sordid affairs.

My Blog, the Picture at the top and the 1 below, blew this whole thing wide apart.

It led to 4 Priests starting to scream as their conscience seemed to get the better of them after years of sweeping it under the carpet.

And with that now onto the feature presentation.

What I am about to exclusively reveal is something I have been keeping up my sleeve for when the SNP’s Schutzstaffel tried to silence me.

Above is a Picture taken from the St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Kilsyth’s website and I have posted it on one of the first blogs on this site, and I’m pretty surprised to one picked up on it.

Now If you click on said picture you will see that it says among other things

“On one of his holidays whilst he was stationed in Kilsyth he went to Holy Cross Parish in Harrison, New Jersey to say Mass for John Penman and Grace Docherty of Kilsyth who had been married in that Church in August 1927. This is the picture is of him in front of the beautiful Alter there that day.

Holy Cross Harrison and the neighbouring Parish of Kearney, New Jersey were the original destination of many immigrant families who left Kilsyth, Auchinstarry and Croy for a new life in the USA during the 1920’s and 1930’s. As a result there is a large ex-patriot Scottish population there with links to this part of Scotland which was emphasised in 1964 when a group from the Kearney New Jersey Celtic Supporters Club came to Kilsyth St Patrick’s and donated the beautiful crucifix of ‘Christ the Priest Triumphant over death’ upon the opening of the new St Patrick’s Church. This crucuifx has been in the church ever since and now hangs on the back wall.”

So we have a Priest accused of raping boys over a period of decades and was part of St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Kilsyth.

As was his superior, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, who himself has been accused of abuse over a period of decades.

Finally, we have…

I know It’s hard to keep track

The both of them linked to St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Kilsyth which was run by Canon O’Connell, Cardinal Keith O’Brien’s mentor and close personal friend of one of the most notorious paedophiles in history Jimmy Savile!

Are you keeping up?

You take all that in?

Right, we have all that, and now we also have Father Thomas “Tom” Mullen making visits to Kearney, New Jersey.

Kearney, New Jersey was the setting of the sordid scene that started yet another cover up at Celtic in regard to the alleged paedophilia involving Tommy Burns’ close personal friend Frank Cairney, both pictured below.