The Scottish Football Mopery part 6

Yet more mopery this time from Paul “you get the door it might be those miners looking for their money” McConville Blog Rangers ….Sorry Scots law blog


I note that a lot of posters on TSFM are putting in complaints about the disgraceful events at Ibrox on Sunday with the chaotic Remberance circus and apparently the guy in charge of Scottish soldiers is as below if you wish to add your protest or question what happened and why it was allowed.

I will be writing to him mainly to get an explanation of WTF the officers were doing as I just don’t believe you can have 400 soldiers milling about in a mob with no officers. I will also be asking if the British Army thinks that the behaviour that took place is appropriate for a remembrance ceremony:

Major General Nick Eeles
HQ 51 Scottish Brigade
EH30 9TN

and also the totally unbiased The Rangers …… Sorry Scottish Football Monitor

ecobhoy says:

Tommy says:
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 21:37

The guy in charge of all troops in Scotland is ultimately:

Major General Nick Eeles
HQ 51 Scottish Brigade
EH30 9TN

I think he is well worth copying-in on anything. Correct address when writing is ‘Dear General Eeles’. I too was disgusted by the spectacle of troops in uniform playing football and taking kicks at goal. I have never seen troops in uniform wearing football colours previously when on any official business let alone a supposed Remembrance occasion. It was a real demonstration of how easy it is for order and control to disintegrate and I find it hard to believe they were front-line Regular Army. That is my only consolation from the whole sorry event.

There was also RN personnel as well as a small contingent of RAF although they might have been RAF Regiment. It seemed to me that there were no officers in attendance at half-time although there were NCOs. The soldiers from their white Hackles were mainly Royal Scots Fusiliers but I haven’t bothered checking the hat badges of the others. I could see nothing from start to finish that in any way honoured or was a contemplation of those who have died in conflict and to me that means more than just military casualties.

But there were officers at Ibrox from all of the various units and approx 6 of them paraded behind the Rangers Directors for the poppy wreath laying at John Geig’s statue which is obviously of importance to Ibrox supporters as it marks the sad loss of fans who died in the Ibrox disasters. But I am unsure as to what, if any, significance it has to the war dead of our nation.

The triumphalism was very inappropriate for the occasion and all the more so to me considering that a Scottish soldier was murdered that day as he played a game of football trying to build bridges with the local population in Afghanistan. A terrible loss and his family are certainly in my thoughts and the team he supported makes no difference to me.

I do support our Army at this time in Afghanistan, who are tasked to a job that cannot be achieved, and they know that. And I have stood at homecomjng parades and cheered as they marched past and that is the kind of occasion where that is fine. But even then they wear their uniform according to regulations, are disciplined and march with pride.

And btw all praise to the GB yet again for their card display against Barca and also the very sensible and mature decision they took on Sunday.

The Scottish Football Mopery part 5

This MOPEs poor wife was “distressed, shocked and appallled” at the sight of Armed forces personnel being giving the heros welcome they so rightly deserved.
iceman63 says:

A couple of points.

1. re: Remembrance day. Mirrenman – in ideal , indeed in even remotely sane circumstances – I would agree that this should not be a matter of controversy to be discussed on this blog. Individuals at games over the weekend should and in most cases were given the opportunity to observe a respectful silence to remeber the fallen – and that we all understand the sacrifice /stupidity/futility/courage of all of those who have been killed in wars.

The problem here is the appalling display at Ibrox on Saturday by serving soldiers! I showed it to my wife who was genuinely distressed by the coverage – she was shocked and appallled at its insensitivity and crassness. This outrage on our sensibilities was perpetrated by an ersatz team whose predeceesor in whose honour it still plays had systematically defrauded all of us of significant sume of cash to achieve an advantage on the field of play. It was SEVCO who orchestrated and celebrated what looked like a drunken brawl as some supposedly fitting act of remembrance. This happened in a football stadium during a league game in Scotland – and as such discussion of it is, sadly, wholly valid here.

Perhaps John Clarke – an erudite, composed and temperate letter writer, unlike myself often, should also write to the Royal British Legion about the damage to reputation such scenes have inflicted upon an event of genuine personal significance for many of us. .

The Scottish Football Mopery part 4

Yet another Bigot who is so concerned with our Army that he uses the derogatory names “Colonel Blimp and General Melchett” to describe top brass of the Armed forces.
“Tommy” prefers to go all the way to Whitehall with his faux moral indignation.
Tommy says:

john clarke says:
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 20:18

Unlike you, instead of addressing my concerns to Colonel Blimp and General Melchett, I took the political route to the chappie in Whitehall.

The Right Honourable Philip Hammond MP
Secretary of State for Defence

13th November, 2012

Dear Sir,

Military Presence: Ibrox Stadium 10th November 2012

I watched a Rangers TV video covering the half-time behaviour by members of the armed forces at Ibrox Stadium, Glasgow on Saturday, 10th November 2012. I was appalled that those in charge of The Rangers Football Club had turned the annual Remembrance Day observance into a circus.

You may be aware that in the west of Scotland the poppy appeal has in recent years been hijacked by The Rangers Football Club in order to encourage the more baser elements of its support in a display of triumphalism.

At a time when our troops are being denied all necessary numbers, training and equipment to properly do their duty oversees, Rangers F.C. directors are currently responsible for avoiding some £94 million in tax. This is a substantial sum of public funds, which could have contributed greatly to improve the lot of our brave service men and women.

I wish to know:

Who was responsible for sanctioning the presence of military personnel (regular and territorial) at Ibrox Stadium on 10th November 2012?

Who authorised the artillery weapon to be brought into the stadium and just how did it add to the dignity of the remembrance?

Why was an officer not appointed, or do his job to ensure that all the servicemen acted with the utmost discipline and decorum on such a solemn occasion? (I note that the conduct of the servicemen at football grounds elsewhere in the UK was impeccable).

I presume that, as these troops were in uniform, they were being paid expenses and ‘drill’ money. There would have been additional costs for military transport etc. What, therefore, was the overall cost to the taxpayer in The Ministry of Defence providing this ‘entertainment’?

I sincerely hope that you will carefully review any future request by The Rangers Football Club for any “rent a regiment” appearance at its stadium in future.

Yours faithfully,

The Scottish Football Mopery part 3

More thinly veiled  sectarian bile from the scottish football monitor disguised as mock offendedness
This time by a “frank forrest” in an email to Rt Hon Jim Murphy MP who it appears by this email was a friend of the person sending the email 20 years ago in the national union of students.

The Rt Hon Jim Murphy MP

I wish to draw your attention to the appearance of some members of the British Armed Forces at Ibrox Park on Remembrance Sunday. I assume that you are unaware of the appearance of said troops and the disgusting way that they were manipulated and turned a solemn occasion into a farce and a circus.
I was disgusted at the way these troops paraded themselves waving Rangers scarves and flags as well as seeing one particular individual adorn himself in an Ulster flag and dancing in front of a cheering and baying support.
This is no way for anyone, let alone uniformed British troops, to act on a day when we, as a Nation are engaged in honouring our fallen from numerous military campaigns, including the conflict in Ulster itself. This despicable escapade shows utter disrespect and a total disregard for the sacrifices made by millions of British men and women in protecting this Nation.
I would like to ask you to enquire into the reasons that this circus was allowed to occur as it casts shame on every single individual who took part in this pantomime. The image of British Uniformed Troops dancing and prancing under banners of orange coloured poppy’s, waving Rangers scarves and playing to an overtly sectarian audience makes me feel sick, especially when you consider the connotations for the minority ethnic population of Ulster.
On a personal note Jim, this was absolutely disgusting and if you haven’t seen it, have a look on you tube and you will understand the outrage that I and many, many others feel at this escapade. Someone was responsible for allowing this to happen and I am contacting you as both the Shadow Sec of Def, but also as a person that I know will not stand for instances of troops being manipulated in such a shocking and ugly manner.
I look forward to hearing you ask a question of your opposite number in the House as to why this was allowed to happen as well as who authorised it. It was a disgrace Jim, an utterly disgusting display that must never be allowed to happen again. I greatly anticipate your reply.
Finally, Its a pity that I have to contact you over a matter such as this, but it would be good to catch up sometime.

Your friend


Just sent this to someone I was on the NUS Executive with 20 years ago!! Hope to receive a reply as soon as.
Reply will be posted here.

The Scottish Football Mopery part 2

This was also posted on The scottish Football monitor site barely hours after the wonderful scenes at Ibrox.
From a so called W. Johnston who is morally outraged about this but no moral remorse from stealing a Live internet feed from Rangers T.V
And yet again it gets 257 thumbs up and only one thumbs down from the Rangers hating cretins that inhabit this unbiased site!
wjohnston1 says:
Rate This


Please allow me to share a few thoughts with you which may yet again receive multiple Thumbs down or even result in my post being removed. I will take the chance.
I am sitting on a Saturday night watching on television the Royal British Legion Service of Remembrence. A very dignified occasion well prepared and presented.
Tomorrow morning I will go to the local Cenotaph and join with many others in remembering those who gave all in the various wars. in the small town where i stay the service will be conducted by the local minister. The music will be provided by the Salvation Army and the local Orange Order. I have been attending for so many years i couldnt guess how many. Both bands will be well turned out and always play appropriate music. I must give them all enormous credit.
Everything is done properly and is very dignified.
Next year i and the remaining members of my family will travel to Italy to keep a promise to my now departed mother to visit the War Grave of her only brother who left home in 1943 to serve his country and never returned.
And why am I saying all this in a blog dedicated to monitoring Scottish football.
Let me tell you why i am doing this.
This afternoon I managed to pick up on the Internet coverage of The Rangers game being televised by Rangers TV.
i am a football fan and watch anything and everything on the box or on the internet.
During the commentary in the first half they made reference to an appearance at half time of some 400 or so military personnel.
I stayed tuned in to witness what i hoped would be a dignified parade allowing fans the opportunity to show support for our military and respect for the departed.
What did I see? A bloody rabble.
Several hundred military personnel did descend onto the park.
They ran, they jumped, they kicked a ball about. They chased and hugged rangers substitutes warming up on the park. They ran into the crowd and posed for pictures. They dived about the goalmouth, and all the time the baying crowd sang Rule Brittania.
It was a shambles, it was a disgrace and it was totally inappropriate.
This football club, born of the ashes of a similar club who failed to pay millions of pounds in taxes disgraced the memory of those who had fallen in all the wars.
I watched it, I witnessed it.
Do these morons think for a minute that it was only Rangers Supporters who died in the war.
who on earth in our services authorised the attendance at Ibrox of servicemen and allowed them to behave in such a disorderly and inappropriate way.
I am disgusted at them.
But not half as disdusted as i am at that shower in charge at ibrox who arranged such a display.

this and the letter in the other post have been posted on more tellingly an Irish politics site

Remembrance or Triumphalism



The Scottish Football MOPERY



The BBC employee Stuart Cosgrove backed The Scottish Football Monitor blog is trying to take over the mantle as Obsessed and Bigoted about Rangers blog from the now defunct and disgraced Rangers Tax Case Blog.

Maybe they want to do they double and “WIN” the George Orwell prize for Blogging two years in a row?

Cause you see The Scottish Football Monitor Blog is really just another outlet of the Rangers Tax Case Blog for obsessed Bheasts of the worse kind to carry on their bigoted ways.

Ironically, the BBC employee Stuart Cosgrove (though how he is still an employee of BBC Scotland probably says more about this rancid Rangers hating organisation that it does about this self-confessed football hooligan. Who terrified train carriages full of frightened woman and children with sectarian abuse aimed at Rangers and Hearts fans. Or maybe hes still employed by the BBC because of some conspiracy to sell more T.Vs because every time his big bloated Baw faced Tomato coupon comes on 1000s of men up and down Scotland “shout aw hen time for a new telly the contrast on this one is fucked)  on the Rangers hating blog wrote the article the Dismal Art of Whataboutery.

Well no better example of petty disgusting whataboutery and mopery comes from the pages of the blog that he writes for and backs and that took over from the bigoted biased and disgraced Rangers tax case and from what I can see trying to outdo it.

The following is a letter that was posted on said site. From a mr “John Clarke”

john clarke says:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 23:56

 97 1 Rate This

Forgive me, at this late stage, but I’ve just discovered that I can cut and paste from my original microsoft word draft. ( I had been faffing about trying to scan and copy and paste, unsuccessfully)


This is my letter to GOC Scotland.


Major-General N Eeles,

General Officer Commanding Scotland,

Edinburgh Castle,EH1 2NG.


Dear General Eeles,


You will, I imagine, share my dismay that Army, Navy and Royal Marines service personnel were participants in a travesty of a ‘Remembrance’ parade at Ibrox Park, Glasgow, during half-time in a football match being played between The Rangers FC and Alloa Athletic last week-end.


Whatever the original intention may have been, the occasion was allowed to degenerate into what I can only describe as a show of sectarian support- by the military personnel involved- for one particular section of Scottish society and one particular football club.


It was in no way respectful of the men and women ( among whom I include my own father) who suffered death or injury in the second World War, but was an absolutely undisciplined display of sectarian bias by the army unit(s) involved, who, I believe had balloted to be present because of their personal support for the aims and ideology of The Rangers FC.


In my view, the officer who authorised the use of tax-payers’ money for such a shameful partisan display, and the senior officer present on the day ( if indeed, any officer was present) should be asked to apologise to the people of Scotland for being so crassly insensitive to the feelings of many like me, who distance themselves from the poisonous ideology behind Orangeism and who do not wish their support for the Armed Forces of this country to be predicated on a false assumption that Orangeism equates to patriotism.


I am copying this letter to Rear Admiral Hockley (Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland) and to Major-General Davis, CBE RM (Commandant General Royal Marines)


Yours sincerely,

as you can see dear reader 95 people liked this post with only one finding objection to it!

The reply came back

“The General Officer Commanding Scotland has now had the opportunity to review the events that took place at Ibrox Park with the other Service heads in Scotland. They share your view that the format of the half time event and the conduct of those taking part in it was inappropriate for Remembrance Weekend, and will take steps to ensure that such events are conducted with appropriate solemnity in the future. They believe that the minute’s silence before the match was the correct way to mark the occasion and Army commenders will be directed to restrict future Remembrance events to this type of activity in the future. The focus of Remembrance activities must be on the fallen, not on those who are serving in the Armed Forces today

Now you can make of this as you will. But it appears to me the M.O.D are agreeing with this sad individual that..

who distance themselves from the poisonous ideology behind Orangeism and who do not wish their support for the Armed Forces of this country to be predicated on a false assumption that Orangeism equates to patriotism.

If this is true then I think the Orange Order in Scotland and Rangers deserve an apology from the ministry of defence!

Also it comes as no surprise that this story surfaced in the Daily Record or should that be the Daily rebel as the Journalist David Leggat has proved their ever increasing links to Celtic football Club.


Its simple we are coming together in one unified voice as the Boycott of Dundee United proves. If we as one don’t patronise Rangers hating organs like the Daily Rebel et al they will hear our voice when it hits them in the pocket.

If you buy or contribute to Rangers Haters you are effectively buying your abuser the stick to hit you over the head with!

The Thompson Spins Vol 3

Pantomime season


Since its pantomime season is almost at an end (oh no it isn’t !oh yes it is! oh no it isn’t! oh yes it is! oh please yourself)

I’ve decided to propose  a new one for next year ….

The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha

With Alex Thomson as Don Quixote of La Mancha miss Haggerty as his well ridden skinny horse Rocinante and Phil Mac giolla bhain playing the horses rear.

The tale will be basically be about Don Quixote’s attack on windmills that he believes to be ferocious giants, where the English get the phrase tilting at windmills is an idiom which means attacking imaginary enemies,  based on misinterpreted or misapplied heroic, romantic, or idealistic justifications

After Alex Thomson’s extensive bullshitting, that there was a gang of feral Scottish sports journalists hell-bent on causing him grievous bodily harm. we all sat down to his much self-promoted “expose” on Channel 4 that was set to lift the lid on all these journalists that were intimidating their fellow journalists.

But no Journalists were mentioned not one even the ones he had on his Goebbels like anti-Rangers propaganda piece as “Character witnesses” were dubious to say the least.

Then came these tweets from Alex Thompson


Now I have searched for a Mr David Limond there is no records of said individual on journalisted but in saying that there are no records of Miss Angela Haggerty who was purported to be an editor and journalist too.

Although I have been informed she has an H.N.D!!!!!!! From Cardonald college, no less.

Now I’m sure miss Haggerty has a colourful C.V and I have been reliably informed that once she gets her teeth into something she will be relentless, robotic indeed until she gets the job finished, not caring a jot if it leaves a bad taste in some peoples mouth.

But c’mon How does one become a Journalist surely its regular paid employment with a respected newspaper etc. or does one wake up one morning throw a dart at a dart board laden with words like Astronaut, Big game hunter, Spy and say “Look mummy I’m gonna be a Journalist today!”

It’s like the phrase citizen Journalist I mean c’mon to….. You never get citizen brain Surgeons. Maybe that explains why charlatans like Graham Spiers can get away with it so long.

An industry full of bullshitters and blaw hards I have found out in the last year. Where chancers are ten a penny.

So, one must assume that the David Limond that he tweeted about must be the satirical genius that is Glasgow Limmy. No not the shite one on the BBC Brian”The Limmy Show” Limond. No the one with those fantastic satirical videos on youtube with 100000 of views pricking the pomposity of modern day Scottish Culture. Like a modern day wee boy screaming that the Emperor has no clothes.

A quick search revealed that was him and also this disturbing story from the STV website.


A man has been arrested by anti-terrorism officers in relation to alleged offensive comments made on a Rangers Podcast.

David Limond was detained in Ayr on Friday morning by officers from Strathclyde Police’s major crime and terrorism squad.

The 40-year-old, known on Twitter as @GlasgowLimmy, was arrested in relation to comments made on an unofficial website for fans of the Ibrox club.

A force spokeswoman said: “On Friday 14 December officers from Strathclyde Police’s major crime and terrorism unit detained and arrested a 40-year-old man in relation to alleged remarks made online.

“He was charged under the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 and was released on an undertaking to appear in court at a later date.”

It is believed Mr Limond is scheduled to appear at Rothesay Sheriff Court on January 7 next year in relation to the incident.

So this is the country we live in you make a Podcast called Rangers Chat (although there was very little talk about Rangers to be honest) with comedy jingles and jokes and you can expect a visit from Strathclyde Police’s major crime and terrorism unit!!!!!!

Or is it because the powers at be find it offensive?

If that’s the case then I have, for my sins, listened to countless “Celtic” fans podcasts not only sectarian in their nature but also Pro I.R.A anti-British terrorism that any normal person would find offensive. That was one thing you cant lay at the door of GlasgowLimmy and I enjoyed about Rangers Chat, the host had no time for terrorism being promoted through Football on either side.

So why are the courts not littered with these Pro I.R.A anti-British Sectarian Celtic fan podcasts?

Are the Establishment picking and choosing their cases? Who to target? Listening to people who have a special relationship with the Police VERY FRIENDLY INDEED?

If that is the reason we are sleepwalking into a very disturbing Orwellian dystopian future!

Orwellian ironically enough since his name has been tarred forever with the sectarian Brush or until it takes the award of the now discredited and defunct bigoted blog!

I mean what if this technology was around in 1930’s Germany and was being used to prick the pomposity of a certain Heir Adolf Hitler! I think you would agree dear reader that the world would be a better place.

But knowing Human nature as it it is the fascists bullies in charge of 1930’s Germany would have stamped out their voices too!



Scotland has been known for centuries for her wonderful exports.

From Oil, to the finest of whiskey, succulent salmon, meat and the finest of wool etc, etc.

Not to mention the enlightenment, that saw this provincial backwater become a powerhouse of ingenuity and free thought.  Spurned on and allowed to nurture may I add by the reformation when Scotland released itself from the shackles of Rome and Roman Catholic Dogma.

The list goes on. I wont go on as I wouldn’t want to bore you and risk the accusation of being smug little Scotlander.

There is now a newish export we have that I don’t think Caledonia will be so proud of.

You see Celtic second top goal scorer last season Anthony stokes wasn’t the only PIRA terrorist loving republican from Scotland that traveled to Dublin for the fund raising knees up in honour of The Dublin RIRA boss Alan Ryan.

No also in attendance that night hailing from deepest darkest south Lanarkshire was the Volunteer Brendan Hughes Republican flute band. A Scottish band named in the honour of a former Officer Commanding of the Belfast Brigade of the Provisional Irish Republican Army.


Now, dear reader you might think the famous idiom taking coals to Newcastle but that’s where you would be wrong. You see the good law abiding people of Ireland see these people much like we see the far right neo Nazis.

Violent deadbeat neds, embarrassing remnants of a violent bygone fascist age. Dissidents and any sign of of pro IRA terror in the Republic of Ireland are policed accordingly unlike in Scotland as this picture from Alan Ryans Funeral demonstrates.


Very unwelcome, in a forward thinking Ireland struggling to find its way in a harsh economic climate.

To paint a picture dear reader if I may be so bold this band going to Ireland would be akin to those “boys from Brazil” the Nazis that fled to South America by Odessa aided and abetted by Bishop Aloïs Hudal and the Vatican.

Coming back to present day Germany to pompusly strut their stuff and sing their Nazi marching songs.

But even they were not the only visitors from the United Kingdom to the event described as “Electric Picnic for terrorists” according to the Sunday World

“KEY members of a RIRA gang who savagely murdered a prison officer in the North were among a crowd who descended on Dublin on Friday for a boozy night in memory of Alan Ryan.

RIRA members travelled from all over the country to attend. Following a murderous week in the North, a number of key associates of RIRA leader Colin Duffy – who gave an oration at Alan Ryan’s graveside – was arrested on Friday by PSNI officers investigating the savage murder of prison officer David Black (52). The dad-of-two was gunned down on the M1 motorway by a dissident gunman as he drove to work at Maghaberry highsecurity prison. Duffy (44) – who has been cleared of murder charges on three separate previous occasions – mentored Alan Ryan during his brief and violent time as the leader of Dublin’s RIRA brigade made the trip to Dublin on specially organised buses and stayed in B&Bs in the city-centre.


Also in attendance were Gary ‘Donzo’ Donnelly who was arrested by gardai investigating the murder of MI5 agent Denis Donaldson last year


and ‘Fat Deccy’ Smith – the new leader of the RIRA’s Dublin.


Not to forget Celtics Anthony Stokes “Father” John Stokes and Derek Nolan who along with RIRA boss Alan Ryan before he was deceased are due to stand trial on numerous charges.


The day before the Anti-British Pro IRA terrorist Volunteer Brendan Hughes Republican flute band marched the streets of Dublin in “honour” of the old bailey bomber convicted PIRA terrorist Marion Price to looks from bewildered Christmas shoppers.


You have to worry for Scotland’s international reputation.



I have written earlier about a man who is clearly mentally ill and by his own account a self-confessed mentally ill person.

I will call him by the name he calls himself now Phil Mac Giolla Bhain.

I wasn’t going to give this cretin anymore oxygen of publicity as his dubious reputation is in tatters to any self-respecting normal human being.

I fear I must yet again expose this cretin, this PIRA terrorist loving fool, this absolute buffoon of a man still holds sway in Scottish public life with some people whose hatred towards Rangers is so great that they will side with an absolute sectarian bigot of a man along as they can get a dig at the worlds most successful team!

You may recall dear reader that I exposed that Phil Gillivan dedicated his, now I believe being pulped book about Rangers to a certain Mick Derrig.

Mick Derrig was/is one of the many aliases that this so-called serious journalist uses this one he used when written in his friends the guardians Roy Greenslade PIRA rag of choice An Phoblacht.

One of the many articles of his that I will be re publishing in order to inform the deranged Rangers Haters especially this still remaining in BBC Scotland the sort of dangerous”Tactical bigot” they spoon feed “exclusives” too is the story of the murder of a certain Mr James Hardie wrote on thursday 31 august 2000 and published in An Phoblact.

Not pleased with his so called club Celtics 6 2 win over Rangers Phil Mac Giolla Bhain goes on to spin this disgusting piece of hate filled sectarian rebel rousing hatred that I will print in full at end of this Blog.

But not before I pick holes out of it by reporting the truth.

Under the Headline of KILLING FOR RANGERS Scotland’s unacknowledged sectarinism Phil Mac Giolla Bhain writes that

As the pub danced to Chris Sutton’s injury time tap-in last Sunday, as Celtic hammered Rangers 6-2, the moment for this son of Parkhead was spoiled.


It is no coincidence that Johnny Adair’s UDA have borrowed a modern Rangers anthem, `Simply The Best’, to strut their fascist stuff at Drumcree
The thought jumped into my head and would not go away. I will share it with you now. How many Celtic supporters are going to die tonight because of this? The answer, so far, is one.

James Hardie was watching TV with his kins at his home in Drumchapel. A man burst into his home and stabbed him repeatedly. Drumchapel is the peripheral housing estate on the Northwest edge of Glasgow that produced George Seawright.

If James Hardie’s killer is ever brought to justice, then it would surprise no one if he benefits from the eloquent sophistry of Donald Findlay QC. Findlay was Vice-Chairman of Rangers until he was filmed singing sectarian loyalist party tunes. Before being outed, Findlay had represented a number of loyalists in Scottish courts. No doubt they still call on his services.

well James Hardie’s killer was brought to justice and guess what?

under the Head line of

Celtic Fan stabbed Gers rival.

IAN SHARP writes

Celtic supporter Gary Rodgers was jailed for life yesterday for murdering a Rangers fan on his own doorstep.

Just hours after his team defeated Rangers 6-2 last August, Rodgers, 30, from Drumchapel, repeatedly stabbed James Hardie, 43. 

He fled father-of-six Mr Hardie’s home, leaving his Celtic baseball cap behind in the blood-stained garden. 

It had “Fighting Tims” printed on it and police scientists matched it to Rodgers’ DNA from his dandruff left inside the cap. 

A jury at the High Court in Glasgow took two hours to unanimously find him guilty of murdering his victim. 

It was never made clear during the trial if Old Firm rivalry had anything to do with why Rodgers attacked Mr Hardie. 

Judge Lord Nimmo Smith told Rodgers: “We have not heard the whole story about your motive. 

“You had a grievance which left you to go to your victim’s home. 

“There you inflicted brutal, grievous and fatal injuries, leaving a widow and six children in grief.” 

Rodgers was also found guilty of attempting to injure a 15-year-old girl with a knife at the scene. 

Rodgers’ co-accused, Derek Proctor, 20, from Glasgow Road, silverton, Dumbarton was cleared of the murder. He was also cleared of setting fire to a car to destroy evidence. 

Rodgers, who admitted a long list of previous convictions, smirked at the dead man’s family as he was led from court. 

Mick oh fuck it Im fed up with this mans insanity Phil Gillivan has not yet reported this story as fact instead of the falsehood he spread hours after an old firm game.

But what do you expect from a man who was salivating at the tragic death of Reamonn Gormley hoping, no preying it was sectarianly motivated hey and who’s to say it wasn’t ?

Who’s to say that those two hate filled violent neds of the Celtic family that were commonly seen on Irish republican marches that murdered Reamonn Gormley in cold Blood didn’t do so thinking young Reamonn Gormley a Rangers fan?

we will never know.

here is Mick’s I mean Phil’s article in full.

Scotland’s unacknowledged sectarianism
As the pub danced to Chris Sutton’s injury time tap-in last Sunday, as Celtic hammered Rangers 6-2, the moment for this son of Parkhead was spoiled.It is no coincidence that Johnny Adair’s UDA have borrowed a modern Rangers anthem, `Simply The Best’, to strut their fascist stuff at Drumcree
The thought jumped into my head and would not go away. I will share it with you now. How many Celtic supporters are going to die tonight because of this? The answer, so far, is one.
James Hardie was watching TV with his kins at his home in Drumchapel. A man burst into his home and stabbed him repeatedly. Drumchapel is the peripheral housing estate on the Northwest edge of Glasgow that produced George Seawright.
It has the twin social poisons of poverty and loyalism. I spent time there as a youth worker in the 1980s. I know the place well; I looked into its soul. I came away from Drumchapel with a settled view that loyalism in Scotland would, one day, be a major social problem which the Scottish nation would have to deal with.
There is now a regular body count of Catholics after every Old Firm game. Last season, a young man called McFadden with Donegal connections was stabbed to death – his crime was wearing a Celtic top. Another young man escaped death by the strength of his sternum – he was shot in the chest by a crossbow. He survived, to the bafflement of medics.
If James Hardie’s killer is ever brought to justice, then it would surprise no one if he benefits from the eloquent sophistry of Donald Findlay QC. Findlay was Vice-Chairman of Rangers until he was filmed singing sectarian loyalist party tunes. Before being outed, Findlay had represented a number of loyalists in Scottish courts. No doubt they still call on his services.
Jason Campbell, a UVF thug who slashed a young man’s throat to the spine, was heading for a conviction for murder. Findlay got the charge reduced by the skill of his courtroom oratory. Campbell’s victim was Mark Scott. He had made the fatal error of walking through Bridgeton in the East End of Glasgow wearing a Celtic Top.
What shocked nice polite Scottish society was that Mark Scott could’ve been one of their own (i.e. not a working class Taig). Mark Scott’s dad is a leading Scottish surgeon and a Protestant. His mother is a Catholic. Nice, middle class, tolerant, they allowed Mark to support Celtic. It cost him his life.
The Scottish media, even presented with this opportunity, chose not to examine this twisted sectarian belief system.
The culture that Rangers nurtures every match day is an open sewer that no one in Scottish society seems willing or able to address. It is no coincidence that Johnny Adair’s UDA have borrowed a modern Rangers anthem, `Simply The Best’, to strut their fascist stuff at Drumcree.
The badge of a Harryville protester was a Rangers scarf worn as a mask. Rangers keeper Andy Goram was photographed in his home in a room that could only be described as a shrine to loyalism. This is no ordinary soccer club.
The club’s unofficial battle hymn for generations has been `The Billy Boys’. It commemorates the exploits of the inter-war Glasgow gang of that name, founded by Billy Fullerton.
Fullerton was one of Mosely’s Blackshirts, a member of the British Union of Fascists and a founder member of the Ku Klux Klan in Scotland. His razor-wielding gang weighed in on the side of the state during the 1926 General Strike. Many of the Billy Boys received Certificates of Commendation from the Secretary of State for Scotland for services rendered during the General Strike.
There is a rich vein of fascism in Scotland stretching back to those days. It almost always wears a Rangers shirt.
There is no nationalist equivalent. Simply none.
The British Left wrap themselves up in a comfort blanket that says `both sides are as bad as each other’. This holds about as much water as saying that the Metropolitan Police would not have dealt with the Stephen Lawrence affair differently if Lawrence had have been a white kid who had been murdered by a group of black thugs.
No one seriously believes that anywhere. The Met are racists and the targets of that racism are the lower orders of English society. That means Black and Irish. In Glasgow it means a Catholic with, usually, an Irish surname.
An Irish surname is a major indicator in Scotland thatyou will be unemployed and that your dad was long-term unemployed. It is also a major indicator that you will have worse health than someone without an Irish surname – even when socio-economic factors are allowed for.
What Scottish society and the Scottish political elite – now complete with their own legislature – cannot, it would appear, come to terms with, is that there remains a problem of anti-Catholic/anti-Irish discrimination in Scottish society.
That discrimination legitimises, in the sick heads that killed Mark Scott and James Hardie, the killing of Taigs if the Rangers defence has an off day. Because in Scotland 2000, its still OK to be down on Taigs.
This fixture list slaughter hardly raises a comment from the concerned chattering classes now flying around the Scottish parliament. This is because Catholics still predominate in the lower socio-economic orders and it is an unwritten subtext that Catholics in Scotland, because so many of them have maintained an emotional attachment to Ireland, are not really full members of Scottish society.
For many in the West of Scotland, that is an accurate picture of their mindset. It is certainly the sense of identity I grew up with. We were expatriate Irish. That identity would not be a problem in New York; in Glasgow it can be a stabbing offence.
The next Old Firm game will have more deaths. They will be Catholics. As the graffiti in Portadown says `Any Fenian Will Do’.
At least on this island we recognise Adair’s belief system as a social problem. Even that nice Fintan O’Toole said it was a Bad Thing in the Irish Times. There is a wide consensus on this island, and not just among nationalists, that those Drumcree protesters are a social problem. They have a belief system that has no place in an agreed Ireland.
Scotland is still in denial. That is why the killing will continue.